2592093390 6973669901 Μουσθένη, Καβάλας leatherkosp@gmail.com
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Kitsos Petros - Trade of Raw Hides & Animal Fats - Maintenance - Storage - Transport - Moustheni Kavala


Collection and Transfer


With the appropriate trucks of our company, which are certified, the excellent quality of our skins is ensured during their transport to our facilities.








After collecting the skins we preserve them using salt, boric acid or sodium carbonate (soda), depending on the type of skin. The exception is pork, which we have put more emphasis on since we defat it first and then salt it.








After the conservation process is completed, the skins are transferred to a cistern or arranged on pallets and stored in special areas (refrigerators), depending on the type of skin.






Production of animal fat


Alongside hides, the company has also expanded into the production of animal fat from the processing of category 3 animal by-products.
This animal fat is of excellent quality and low acidity, suitable for biodiesel and animal feed.
Our company also has ISCC certification.